Sunday, March 1, 2015

Episode VII with Ed & Dustin (NSFW)

This NSFW episode was recorded Feb. 6, 2015: featuring DJ Mixtermike (host), Edgar & Dustin.
We go into discussion covering entertainment, comedy, pop culture, news, tech, movies, video games and television.

After hanging at Alan's surprise party, Ed, Dustin and I decide to head into the lab and record a podcast. We spend a lot of time talking about Pokemon, old and current versions, starting six, strategies, Mewtwo's origin and other tips. Next we get into the topic of board games, specifically describing our favorite Zombies. Ed tells us about Betrayal, then we talk about our game of Risk: Metal Gear Solid that occurred earlier at Alan's party. We also talk about how great board games are to get away from video games, then Ed talks about the Wii-U. To end this first half Mike talks about Bob Marley, because it was the anniversary of his birthday that day.

After the break we talk about the fun we had earlier, anxiety, patience and personal goals. We discuss the controversy surrounding the stolen work of animator/filmmaker M. Dot Strange, and this leads us to the topic of the internet; how it self regulates, people are attempting to be more detached from it, and how it can become scary. We end with some television/movie talk and we hear about Edgar's need for funding.

Go help Edgar fund his animations at

"Treat yo self"